Although the peaceful landscape of the gulf will possibly put a spell on you without allowing you to leave, we suggest you visit some sights of great importance and points of interest in the island of Samos that are worth visiting during your stay:

Villages of Samos

The heart of Samos beats in its villages. They keep the Samian traditions and history alive and intact. The villages Bourliotes, Ampelos, Koumeika, Skoureika, Manolates, Platanos, Mytilinoi: We suggest you explore each and every one of them! Each village has its own color, its own particularity. Cobbled alleys, traditional architecture, old small churches and signs of the history of the island, are just a few of the characteristics of our villages. Among other experiences that you should not miss is the beautiful sunset of Samos, best seen from the village Drakaioi found on the south-western side of Karlovassi.

Beaches of Samos

Samos has a great collection of beaches that fulfill every preference and need: organized and popular, intact and secluded, with golden sand or pebbles, with beach bars and water sport facilities, with beautiful sea bottom for scuba-diving, with fish food taverns etc.  We suggest you visit the northern part of the island, the beaches of Tsamadou, Tsampou and Lemonakia. They are all easily accessible and have beautiful blue waters. Also, the beach of Psili Ammos at Marathokampos is sandy and has shallow waters. The nature lovers of hiking routes should not miss the beaches of Mikro and Megalo Seitani. These two are among the most beautiful beaches on the island. Apart from them offering unique natural beauty they also have ecological value, as the blue-green water is often visited by seals Monachus-monachus. The hiking route goes through a path 3.5km in length, firstly reaching Mikro Seitani and then Megalo Seitani. The wild beauty of the beaches will reward you for your troubles!

Archeological Museum of Samos (Vathy)

The collections found at the Archeological Museum of Vathy (archaic, sculpture, ceramics, bronze, wooden ones etc.) spread across two buildings, one that dates back to 1912 and another more modern one. The most important exhibit you have the chance to admire is the statue of Kouros of Samos, 5m in height, making it the largest surviving Kouros found in the Greek territory.
Opening hours: Tuesday-Sunday, 09.00-16.00
Tel. +30 22730 27469

Archaological Museum of Pythogoreion

The archeological museum of Pythagoreion hosts four collections: the collection of stelae dating during the Archaic period, the collection of portraits of Roman emperors, the collection of funeral banquet reliefs and, finally, the collection of pottery dating between the 9th and 2nd centuries BC. Amongst other exhibits, you may admire a marble monumental sarcophagus and the statue of seated Aiakes dedicated to goddess Hera.
Opening hours: Tuesday-Sunday, 09.00-16.00
Tel. +30 22730 61400

Museum of Samian Wine (Malagari)

The themed museum is dedicated to the history of the Samian wine and the great wine tradition of Samos. The Museum of Samian Wine is housed in the main building of an old winery/ cooperage and exhibits tools, chemistry instruments, tanks and other items used in the traditional wine-making as well as awards, photographs etc. The representation of the vine farming on stone terraces as traditionally done in Samos is remarkable. Naturally, you may also have the chance to taste the famous Samian wines and purchase them in the shop found in the premises of the museum.
Tel. +30 22730-87511

The Eupalinian aqueduct

One of the greatest accomplishments of architecture and mechanics in the ancient word is found in Samos. The Eupalinian aqueduct, also known as "double-edged aqueduct” named by the historian Herodotus.  This technical work of the 6th century BC was created for the water supply of the ancient city of Samos and was named after its engineer Eupalinos. Described as  the “eighth miracle” of the ancient world, the Eupalinian aqueduct is found in the bowels of the mountain Kastro or Kastri. It is 80m in depth, 1046m in length and 1.80m wide.

Monastery of Panagia Vrontiani

In a wonderful, green scenery close to the village of Vourliotes, the Monastery of Panagia Vrontiani or Kokkariani is found. It is the oldest monastery of the island built in 1566. The church, called “katholiko” is a one-aisled basilica with a dome, in the inside of which you will find a wood-carved, gold-plated retable (iconostasis) as well as a majestic wood-carved episcopal throne of the 18th century. The Monastery holds celebrations on the 8th of September.
Tel. +30 2273093255

Monastery of Agia Zoni

The monastery of Agia Zoni is built in the valley of Vlamaris just a few kilometers away from the city of Samos. It was founded in 1695 and inside its church (katholiko), a one-aisled basilica with a dome, you may find frescoes of the 17th century as well as a well-crafted wooden retable (iconostasis). Do not forget to visit a small but significant library found within the premises of the monastery. Church curios and other old patriarchic documents are exhibited. The Monastery holds celebrations on the 31st of August.
Tel. +30 22730 27587

Archeological site of Heraion

According to the ancient Greek mythology, goddess Hera was born in Samos. It is no surprise that the most important temple dedicated to this goddess is found here and according to Herodotus, it is one of the largest and most majestic temples in the ancient Greek world. Today, what remains standing from the temple of Ionic order is a column (there were 155 in total), but the ruins will provide a helping hand in order for you to understand the floor plan and its architecture. The remains of the Sacred Road are also found here. It connected this sacred area with the ancient city of Samos, better known today as Pythagoreion. Heraion is included in the list of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Natural habitat of Aliki

The biotope of Aliki is found on the eastern side of the island and is of great ecological importance, as it is first and foremost a stop for bird migration. More than 127 kinds of birds have been recorded in the area, many of which are rare or endangered.  Due to this fact, the biotope has been included in the CORINE and NATURA 2000 networks.

The Cave of Pythagoras

Pythagoras, the philosopher and founder of mathematics, was born in Samos possibly in 570 BC. According to legend, when Polycrates, the tyrant, went after him, Pythagoras found shelter in a cave, approximately 3km above Marathokampos, on the slopes of Kerki. The cave, nowadays known as the “Cave of Pythagoras”, is open to visitors. You may also visit the small church of Sarantaskaliotissas, also built inside a cave.

Waterfalls in Karlovassi

The natural waterfalls in Karlovassi are a well-kept secret of Samos that are worth exploring, especially if you like hiking. The well-designed path begins from the ‘Potami” in a scenery of wild vegetation. Just after you pass by the ancient temple of Metamorfosis, you continue going up the steps on the mountain slope that lead to a glade where the first waterfall is found. Then, you may continue to the second waterfall that is even more impressive than the first (even though it is harder to be accessed) as it runs from 5m high, creating a pond where you may swim if you so wish.



Kerveli, 83100, Samos Island
NE Aegean, Greece
Contact number: + 30 2273087202
Mobile number: +30 6970553320 Georgina Pagkalia or + 30 6970444265 Natassa Pagkalia